Temple Festival
japanese title エンニチ
translation Ennichi

Production information

Scenario Yukito Kizawa
Storyboard Takashi Kawabata
Production Takashi Kawabata
Directed by Kazuya Shiotsuki; Akihisa Takano; Junichi Takaoka; Hatsue Nakayama
End card toi8
Broadcast information
Japanese broadcast May 3, 2014
Other airdates January 19, 2019 (United States)
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Temple Festival (エンニチ, Ennichi) is the 17th episode of the Nisekoi series that is originally written and illustrated by Naoshi Komi as a manga. The episode premiered on May 3, 2014.

Temple Festival title card

Episode 17 title card.


At a temple festival, Raku works in one of the food stalls being run by his faction's men. After bumping into Chitoge, she had Raku accompany her as a free pass to most of the stalls. When purchasing a relationship charm, Raku gets separated from Chitoge in the crowd and instead stumbles on Kosaki. Afterwards, Raku's relationship charm gets nabbed by a calico cat and Raku chases after it, passing by Marika then Seishirō. Meanwhile, a yukata-clad Chitoge finds Raku's charm and returns it to him. Reading a sign regarding the meaning behind relationship charms, Chitoge receives a relationship charm as an offer from Raku and mistakes it as a proposal. Raku doesn't understand her surprised expression until he reads the sign about the relationship charms and clears up the misunderstanding.

Temple Festival end card

Episode 17 end card.


Episode Notes[]

Character Revelations[]

  • Raku is very good at festival games.One of the Shūei Clan members says that they always lose against him in the game booths.

Differences between anime and manga[]

  • Chitoge's top in the anime is slightly different from the manga. She also doesn't have a stash around her waist in the anime.
  • Kosaki, Marika, and Chitoge's yakutas in the anime are very similar to the manga's but some of the flowers on their yukutas are placed in different areas in the anime.
  • Tsugumi's yakuta in the anime has a completely different design from the manga's.
  • After Shū mistakes Ruri as a hot babe and kicks him for it, she wonders if Kosaki was able to buy a relationship charm in the anime.
  • The sign that explains what happens when someone receives a relationship charm from someone is among a bush in the manga, but in the anime, the sign is among a wall of wishes.

