Nisekoi chap62
Japanese title キッカケ
translation title Kikkake
Chapter Information
Chapter number 062
Arc First Year Arc
Volume Reason
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Reason (キッカケ, Kikkake) is the sixty second chapter of the Nisekoi manga series written and illustrated by Naoshi Komi, published weekly in the magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump.


Raku and Chitoge find that their car has been stopped by traffic, and they won't be able to make it to the hotel. Raku then borrows a bike and takes off with Chitoge in tow. Raku then explains that Hana is at the airport, and that they are going so Chitoge can be with her mother on Christmas Eve, Raku says that Hana still cares about Chitoge deeply, and asks Chitoge to believe in him.

Meanwhile, Hana is shown to be at the airport, and is being urged to leave quickly to avoid the snow. Raku and Chitoge then crash through the gate at the airport, only to find the plane has just taken off. Raku calls Hana and pleads with her to skip her meeting anmd turn the plane around. Hana thanks Raku, but says that knowing that Chitoge still loves her is enough. Raku then accuses Hana of hiding behind her work because she's afraid of not being loved. Raku then tells her to choose what's more important, her work or her daughter. At this point, Chitoge gets the phone and screams out "Mom", which convinces Hana to turn around the plane.

After Hana lands, she exits the plane and has a timid reunion with Chitoge, asking Chitoge if she still likes her. Chitoge responds that even though Hana is scary and seems distant and off-putting, Chitoge still loves her mom. Then Chitoge and Hana embrace and share a tender moment, after which Raku gives Hana the keys to the high class hotel suite. Hana and Chitoge spend the whole night together as mother and daughter, while Raku covers for Hana at work.

Hana gives Chitoge her gift, which is a new ribbon. However, Chitoge declines and says that she still wants to keep her current ribbon, as it has a lot of memories attached to it. Hana reveals that the reason Chitoge got that ribbon was because Raku said it would look good on her when they were kids. Hana then encourages Chitoge to go to Raku since he was the one who allowed for their make-up to happen.

Chitoge heads to her mother's company at 4:34 A.M and finds Raku asleep. She rests his head on her lap, and scolds him for sleeping out where he could catch a cold. She then thanks him.

At 6:04 A.M, Raku awakens to find Chitoge asleep, still letting him use her as a lap pillow. Raku scolds her for sleeping out where she could catch a cold.

Chapter Notes[]

Character Revelations[]

  • Chitoge had asked Hana to buy her iconic ribbon from a picture book she loved as a child because Raku said that she looked good with one when they were younger.


  • This chapter was adapted into an episode for Mother.